Join The Fight!
The agreements made by the City and County from the LA Alliance lawsuit will result in 3,500 mental health and treatment beds and 19,700 beds for people experiencing homelessness. They will also result in the resolution of 9,800 homeless encampments across the City. Both agreements are for all of Los Angeles and not limited to Skid Row and Downtown. Both the City and County will be held accountable for these commitments by Federal District Court Judge David O. Carter.
To see the summary of the settlement click here.
Every community in the Los Angeles region can work to reduce homelessness through the Alliance settlements. Together, we can hold our elected representatives accountable and help them achieve the metrics and milestones to which they committed.
What prioritizations will your council district make in considering encampment resolutions? What types of beds at what locations will benefit people experiencing homelessness and the community? What performance measures can be implemented to ensure success?
The Alliance Settlement provides solid goals backed by the federal court to assist the City and County in reducing the crisis. Get involved in the fight to keep our leadership accountable by volunteering with the Alliance to engage your community!
Will you volunteer?
Macnelson Shorty wants to volunteer 2024-08-26 18:02:45 -0700
Macnelson Shorty signed up for Volunteer - Donations 2024-08-26 18:02:45 -0700
Macnelson Shorty signed up for Volunteer - Community Engagement 2024-08-26 18:02:45 -0700
Macnelson Shorty signed up for Volunteer - Social Media Engagement 2024-08-26 18:02:45 -0700
Michael Edelstein wants to volunteer 2024-07-18 09:58:13 -0700
Michael Edelstein signed up for Volunteer - Community Engagement 2024-07-18 09:58:12 -0700
Tony Crews wants to volunteer 2024-03-05 14:57:31 -0800
Tony Crews signed up for Volunteer - Donations 2024-03-05 14:57:31 -0800
Max Karren published this page 2024-02-28 10:28:48 -0800