March 5, 2021

This week the LA Alliance filed a notice of intent with the court to file a Preliminary Injunction, which would require thousands of beds in the coming months paired with public spaces regulation. 

This is, in effect, the first step in placing the City and County into a court-supervised receivership concerning the homeless issues. Undoubtedly, both the City and County will feel that such an order is diminishing their powers. Yet, in the absence of a consensual agreement by the parties, court intervention becomes necessary.

In theory, the Alliance position is similar to the type of court intervention used in the famous Brown v. Board of Education case relating to school desegregation. Once it is clear that the local governments are unable/unwilling to address the problem adequately, the courts must take a more active role.

On another positive note, several of the largest law firms in downtown have now filed briefs supporting the Alliance’s position.

For those interested, all of the recent pleadings can be viewed on our website:

LA Alliance brief addressing progress

City’s brief addressing progress

County’s February orders

City and County’s Joint Statement of Facts

LA Alliance’s response to court request

Orange County Catholic Worker

 LA Catholic Worker & LA Community Action Network

Union Rescue Mission

The Center in Hollywood

Central City Assoc of LA

Downtown Women’s Center


Thank you for your ongoing financial support as we look to make an even bigger impact in 2021. 

Don Steier

Chair, LA Alliance for Human Rights

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